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Starting from the shores of the Canadian border and ending at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys, the 2019 Cross Country Chase inaugural run was nothing short of incredible as 69 vintage riders made their way across 8 states in a mere 10 days. The fall run of machines manufactured from 1930 to 1948 held the imagination of riders around the world as the group of adventurists traveled along a carefully choreographed course through the quiet byways of American’s secondary roads.


Chase rules dictated that a rider had to accomplish the demands of the 2,368 miles on their own, independent of any support crews, which meant everything a pilot needed had to be carried on their own machine. From tools, clothes and gear to spare gas and oil, riders became a single cell of self-reliance as they covered the miles through adverse weather and intense conditions. And they had the time of their lives!


Since the inaugural run’s completion this past September, promoters Jason and LeeAnn Sims have been inundated by one question: “Will there be another Cross Country Chase?”


After careful consideration and great deliberation, the Sims, along with their partners at Legends Motorcycle Museum, are ready to announce that there will be another Chase and you can bet it will be an adventure of extraordinary challenge! The second CCC is to be held in September of 2021!


Just like the first run, it will be a challenge of man and machine against the miles and the elements. Rider’s abilities at endurance, speed, navigation and motorcycle knowledge will once again be put to the test! Men and women competitors from around the world are invited to sign up for the mailing list as information and details are released over the course of the next year, so sign up NOW! Once registration is open to the public in the late fall of 2020, the first 100 entrants who meet the basic requirements will be chosen to compete in the 2021 Cross Country Chase. The crew is currently laying out an all-new route and determining the vintage of the machines allowed to compete. Preparations to exceed the thrill of the inaugural run are well underway.


Meanwhile, do not miss any of the info that is shared here, so go to the APPLY page and get your name on the mailing list! Sign up, stay informed and be sure to secure your place at the starting line of the 2021 Cross Country Chase!