When you throw a bunch of folks into an extreme situation, they quickly find a buddy to hang with. During the Chase, the herd included 69 riders with a common goal. The common denominator was antique motorcycles, of course, so the playing field was already an even turf but coupled with extremes like weather and miles, the struggle to make it across the states became a group effort. Riders quickly found riding mates and enjoyed the process of sharing a lane, and laughs, with their brethren. Even the brand barriers were crossed as new friends on all marques helped each other along the route and through the rough patches.
If you’d like to learn more about the riders and their machines, background and where they hail from, go to the RIDERS section of the website and study up on your favorite riders. As a first time run, Chasers sorted out the experience together but some were familiar with antique touring since some were Motorcycle Cannonball alumni, some will be Cannonball newbies for 2020, some are personalities familiar to us all and for a few others, the experience of setting off on an ancient machine was a totally new adventure. So check out the page and be surprised at what you’ll discover about each rider! After that, you might want to go see what’s going on at the Motorcycle Cannonball website, too, as the 2020 run is gearing up. www.motorcyclecannonball.com